Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Moving stinks!

Well we have been trying to move. The house we are moving to is finally empty and we can start moving our stuff in. Yesterday I went and cleaned some of the carpets so we could start with our beds and clothes and stuff so we can at least sleep there. There has really been quite a bit going on. Last week Brac had a dentist appointment and ended up falling asleep in the chair while he was waiting for the dentist to come back.

There is a walkway upstairs (in the new house) that goes out across the living room, Hailee and Breanne thought it was fun to play up there. Well I has in shampooing the carpet in one of the rooms and heard something fall so I frantically run out there to see a peice of the banister on the floor and Hailee is kneeling haning on to another that is ready to come out too. I stayed under her and told Lissa to hurry up stairs and get her and that I would catch her if she fell through! It scared me to death! So now I guess Eric is going to have to go through and check them all and make sure they are well secured!


Anonymous said...

ha ha aha dentist is very late..

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Celeste Russell said...

Oh How sweet they are when they sleep. So scary about the banister. Hope Eric checks them good!!! Congrats on the new move. Hope you have so much fun there.

The Edwards said...

The pic of Brac at the dentist is too funny!...and the scary! I'm glad your sister was there.

Paul and Kelly said...

Holy cow! I'm glad Hailee didn't fall! That would have been terrible. Nice you have something to worry about until Eric gets them all fixed huh?

Suzanne said...

The picture cracked me up and the banister story made me want to throw up!! Glad all is well!

Traci Kannard said...

oh wow not good...glad everyone was okay and not hurt...and sooo funny that Brac feel asleep on the chair!!! you do have allot going on, but if you need any help let me know. We are soo going to miss you all and wish you so much luck with everything!!!