Friday, March 27, 2009

Fat and Ugly!

Again, I apologize for the far and few in-between posts! I haven't been too busy I just have spent much time on the computer. So we have been spending about half the week in Burlington the last two weeks because Eric is working over there and "our" house is still occupied, soo instead of Eric having to drive so much me and the kids have been going over and staying some. We could have just stayed there for a couple of days at a time but Brac has preschool so I have just had to come home early in the morning sometimes. Next week Brac will have one last day of VIP preschool here in Lovell and then hopefully we will get moved soon and he will be starting in Burlington.

As for me I am stuck in a major RUT! My hair is hiddeous at the moment and I can't decide what to do about it! I need a cut and color but I can't make up my mind about what to do with it. I don't really want to go back to the girl that usually cuts it because I haven't been too pleased with my results the last couple of times i have been in. This is when it would be nice if Celeste lived much closer! So if anyone has any wonderful suggestions let me know. We will see how long it takes me to decide, until then I am sure I will continue to feel fat and ugly!


Suzanne said...

Hey! I'm feeling fat and ugly too!!:) Except I don't have the excuse of being pregnant! I can't decide to do with my hair I'm just letting it grow. Maybe you should go blonde!!Ha! Ha! (Seriously. why not?)

Greg Becky said...

You are so silly. I know when you feel ugg then it doesn't matter what other people say but I still think you hair looks cute! I think my next try is going to be FLIP on main in Cowley or Dana from Greybull.

Anonymous said...

DON'T DO IT!!! I've been hating my hair and I kept throwing up in my hair. And no matter how hard i tried to pull it up and out of the way it just bothered me.. so i finally just cut it off.. big time mistake. Being pregnant really messes with you.

Traci Kannard said...

awwwwe I am sorry you are feeling that way...but for someone on the outside you are far from being fat and ugly...anyway, did you call Dana Peterson...she is soooo awesome and would do the best job...she really listens to what you want and only does a little at a time so it is not an oh no situation in the end...anyway I know you have to go but I will be sad not having you all around the corner anymore...Brac and Rylie will really be sad...anyway feel better and good luck with the stylist hunt.