Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have really been slacking in this department lately but I just don't really have anything to say.. Last week I finally got all of the tax stuff to the accountant, had a volleyball meeting, went to Billings grocery shopping, went to Billings again to the temple when Katie went through, and not a whole lot has happened since. Breanne has been sick but I finally gave in a took her to the dr. on Monday morning seems how this weekend is going to be wild and we don't need to be sharing sick germs if we can help it. She had a sinus infection and it was spreading to her eyes some how so she has to have eye drops along with the other medicine. Now I am just trying to find the ambition to do something like maybe pack a few things but I just really would rather take a nap at this point. So anyway not much excitement here, maybe thats a good thing!

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