Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Ok.. I was online the other day trying to figure out how to get strawberry milk stains out of carpet and came across this stuff called Red Relief. I waffled for a few days trying to decide if I wanted to order some to try because it is expensive but if it works.... Anyway I ordered some and it came today. I just tried it and it works like magic! I am soo glad because I have lots of little spots that it should work on.

I odered mine from www.proschoicesupply.com


The Lennons said...

I think Ramie has a fun dip stain in her carpet that she couldn't get out...maybe you could get in touch!1

The Edwards said...

WOW!!! That's awesome! I'm so impressed that it worked even on an older stain. If you have leftover, I'd love to buy some from you and try it on my neon orange spot. If not, maybe I should take the plunge and order some. I was a little hesitant, but your experience is inspiring!

Paul and Kelly said...

This looks like a good thing to have around. I might need to order some!