Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

We didn't get too exciting for Valentines Day, we never really do I guess. Friday night Eric and I went to dinner with my parents in Powell while Cailee watched our kids. Thanks Cailee! :) Saturday we had our yearly Elders Quarum Bowling/Pizza activity. We had a good time. On the first game I bowled at 129 which is probably the best I have ever done and Eric bowled a 135 which might be his best too, the second game neither of us did as well. We usually only go bowling that once a year which I'm not sure why I enjoy it and so does everyone else in our Family. I think Brac probably asks once a week if we can go "bowling balling". I guess maybe we will have to try to do it a little more often.
I have been really terrible about taking pictures lately I will have to try harder! I thought about taking my camera to the bowling ally once before we left but I didn't think about it again until we were actually bowling. Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day!


Donna Bassett said...

Hey I'm so glad to know that I am not the only not so great camera person-your blog is so cute....I have a blog that I started once but haven't really ever worked on and then a family one-I have one post! Hope you have a great day!

Donna Bassett said...

this is erin by the way-I'm sure you figured