Friday, February 13, 2009

7 things

7 Things I can Do

1. I can shop.
2. I can text now!
3. I can do laundry.
4. I can sew, kinda..
5. I can help my husband do some things.
6. I can cook!
7. I can put off walking on my treadmill everyday.

7 Things I Can't do

1. I can't crochet.
2. I can't wake up very early and still function.
3. I can't convince brac not to pick his nose!
4. I can't stand the smell of sea food.
5. I can't change other kids poopy diapers without gagging!
6. I can't grow my hair out long.
7. I can't understand why some people can't learn the first time..I won't say names.\

7 things i say often

1. I love you!
2. Have fun!
3. Don't fight!
4. Do you need to go potty?
5. Pick up your toys.
6. Did you hear me?
7. What do you want for dinner?

7 things I love about Eric

1. His BLUE eyes
2. His willingness to work and support our family.
3. His desire to do what's right.
4. His love and support for me!
5. The way he plays with the kids.
6. The way he can make me laugh.
7. His family.

7 favorite foods

1. Cafe Rio Salads
2. Chinese
3. Pizza
4. Mashed Potatoes and gravy
5. Bread
6. BBQ Beef
7. Most Desserts

7 people I tag
Anyone who wants to do it!


Winterhollers said...

mmm Cafe Rio sounds good! I'm definately having a craving for it. I might have to make Craig take me to Logan when we go down in March :)

Becca said...
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Becca said...

Hmm. I know but lucky for you they have them all over Utah. Just google cafe rio and you can see all the locations.

Suzanne said...

Loved it! Great tag! I'm going to do it!

Tracy said...

It was fun and interesting to learn more about you!! Thanks for sharing. I love that you Love Eric's family!! :-)