Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well I have convinced Eric to let me get a new washing machine! I am going Saturday to get one, not for sure on what kind but I will be coming home with one! I am tired of trying to clean up a mess everytime I wash something. I would just wait but there are a few things we have been needing washed, I try to do one load a day so I don't have mountains of it by next week. He wasn't super willing he thought maybe we should just fix this one.. I convinced him that its old and will probably just keep having problem after another at this point. It will probably set us back a little on our kitchen remodeling plans but we do need clean clothes. The kitchen is one of those things we can't really just do a little at a time. We just really need to start completely over, so we will be waiting until we can just do it all at once.

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