Thursday, January 29, 2009

Going to town..

It seems like whenever I have to go somewhere, besides lovell, by the time I get home I really don't feel like doing anything! I had to go to Cody twice this week, once for an ultrasound and then today for a Dr. appointment. We are definitely having a boy! I have lots of time left to get something done but I just really don't feel like it. I guess it just takes a lot out of me to sit in the car or something, maybe its because I have to take my kids... Anyway I really need to do some cleaning up before the Home Teachers come tonight but I just can't find the ambition! I have good intentions for tomorrow, does that count?


The Lennons said...

My drive to Cody is only 15 min and I am always exhausted...I'm not even pregnant:) Kick your feet up... home teachers will understand

Paul and Kelly said...

How do you do that...boy girl boy....must be nice. Congratulations! Thanks for the encouragement with the girl thing. I was hoping it was just a phase. :s

Jackie said...

Congrats! I did not know you were expecting! I think boys just totally drain you at least mine did when I was pregnant> Again Congrats and I hope all goes well for you