Saturday, May 23, 2009

More Animals!

On Sunday morning the kids got an exciting phone call from Grandpa saying there was a new baby in the pasture. So I told the kids if they hurried and we were ready soon enough for church we could go see it before. Well, we are never ready for church on time let alone early so they had to wait. We left after sacrament meeting so we could go to Mick's graduation in Greybull. So we went and saw the baby and everything looked good. So life goes on and Tuesday Lissa said is that the baby horse laying there in the middle of the pasture with no other horses around? So I went to see it was but as soon as I went through the gate Penny (mom) went over and the baby sat up and looked ok. Later that night Eric went out and noticed that something wasn't right with it. So he carried him out on to the grass. He was very dehydrated and had scowers and his legs were hurting him. So he called the vet. The vet came out and gave him 5L of fluids with some medicine in it. Eric milked the mare a little and we fed it to the baby in a real baby bottle, he drank about 6 oz. really good and then didn't want any more. So we left them in the backyard over night. The next morning he was still ok but we were having to watch him. I had to go out every hour and stretch his legs. The tendons are really tight so we has a hard time walking. So that day was pretty much shot! When Brac and Kaiden got home from school they had gone into the backyard and some how, no one seems to know how, but they ended up chasing the mare and baby around and they ended up front in the garden. Poor little guy was back to square one with the whole dehydration thing.. So we gave him more fluids. The next day I was back to going out every hour and stretching his legs and making sure Penny had water. That day went pretty well. Yesterday I had to take the truck to Powell and when I got back they had ventured down by the gas tank and equipment. We decided we needed to take and put them in the orchard, one the grass is very tall and needs some trimming and two they are starting to venture to far. So it took me about 3 hours to get them moved to the orchard. The baby is still pretty weak and can only go so far before he gets too tired and lays down. Obviously I am in no state to pick him back up and keep him going. If I had had another adult to help me it may have gone a little faster but Jamie was the only other one around so I was pretty much on my own! So I finally got them there and hopefully they are still ok.

With all of these animals around that need taken care of you would think I was an animal lover. Well, I'm really not. I don't mind them but I really don't like having to take care of them like this! Hopefully one of these days everything will stay healthy and not need quite so much attention! Eric has been too busy to spend the time that needs to be spent, which you are probably wondereing the same thing I am, "why do you have them if you don't have the time?" But I won't get into that! I will keep you updated on our progress!

1 comment:

The Lennons said...

Is it possible that all these animals are going to put you into labor? I will hope for a home full of healthy animals for your sake!