I HATE DOING TAXES! I know I am slow getting them done anyway but I really despise doing taxes! Owning your own business isn't all its cracked up to be, at least when it comes to doing tax stuff anyway. I just remember how much simpler it was when we had and employer and just took our little stack of papers to the accountant and within a couple of weeks get some money back. Now I just have to cringe and wait to see how much I have to pay in! I am really bad and need to get a lot more organized than I am and it would make it easier but still tax time stresses me out!
I feel your pain!!! Being an owner isn't all it's cracked up to be!! Luckily we have an accountant. We never look forward to a "return" because 99% of the time we have to pay or what we would've got back goes to estimate taxes. It's really despressing. Especially when everyone else gets big checks back!
We have an accountant, its just getting it all ready to go to the accountant that I hate! At least we don't have employee's!
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