I have got no energy to do anything but sit here lately.. Well at least when I should be doing something. My energy usually comes around 4:00 p.m., which is good because dinner at least gets made and the kitchen cleaned and I usually get a few more things done that need to be but it would be much more convenient if I had some during the day! I have got plenty to do but I am having a hard time bringing myself to do it. I keep thinking I should start packing up the things that don't get used much so that when it comes time to really move that part will already be done but.... So I guess for now I will just keep trying to talk myself into getting something done.
Breanne's potty training is going fairly well. She is telling me most of the time when she has to go and doesn't have too many accidents, usually. When we go to other peoples houses and she is playing she forgets she needs to come tell me she needs to go but i guess its going as well as can be expected and this point. It seems like Brac figured it all out a little quicker but I could be wrong it been awhile. She has only wet the bed once so at least we know that nights aren't a problem. So we will just keep washing lots of little underwear and pants and hope that eventually the accidents go pretty much away. At least we are making progress!
I wish we were potty training! I can't wait to be out of diapers FOREVER! It would be nice if you could be without diapers or accident for at least a few months before you start over wouldn't it?
Nicole H. has one of these, it just might be what you are looking for! http://www.mobywrap.com/
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