Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Needless to say the flu has put a minor setback in potty training! Breanne has been running a fever, threw up once, and had diarrhea. I put a pull-up on her because cleaning up the throw up is about enough to make me do the same at this point and cleaning our poopy under ware would do it for sure! Normally I would probably end up just throwing them away but I don't want to have to buy a bunch of new ones either. So for now I guess she can just ware the pull ups. She has been telling me that she wet her pants after she goes in the pull up. I just hope no one else catches it! I have a big pink stain on my carpet too, because Eric gave her a big cup of strawberry milk before we knew she wasn't feeling well. That stuff is harder to get out than anything else I know of. If anyone knows any tricks let me know.

1 comment:

The Lennons said...

Sounds like you may be putting that new washer to the test...sorry.