Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Utah Trip

We ended up leaving for Logan around 9:00 Thursday morning. Well, we left Burlington just before 9 after picking Cailee up. We made pretty good time getting there considering all the people and kids that went. It took 8 hours. We had to make quite a few potty stops in towns and on the side of the road. When we got there we just visited with Celeste and her familiy and then got ready for bed. Friday we got up and Celeste had a meeting so we watched her kids while she did that and got ready to go over to Ogden. Celeste got home around noon and Lissa, Cailee, Hailee, and I headed to Ogden. It was way nice to have Celeste keep my kids! On the way back from Ogden we stopped in Willard to see about picking up some pie cherries but they are closed in January and February.. So we went back to Celeste's for a while then went shopping and to dinner. Saturday we got up and Cailee and I went to do some quick shopping before her pictures.

On the way home we got to where we could see Bear Lake and the whole valley was filled with fog. It looked pretty cool!

We had a good time and Cailee's pictures turned out really good!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Looks like a fun trip for the "sisters!" I love Logan! I tried to get Mike to move us there! Bear Lake is the next best thing to the ocean!